Saturday, February 29, 2020

4 design of stairs

the tread is circled tempered laminated glass. it has two wire rope across each glass tread, it is through 2 edges in a symmetrical way. the rope has adjust the angle tp form the path. the end of the rope is tightened with the anchor to make sure the tread is stable. wire rope can be use as handrail as well.

alloy structure is used as base to make the stairs light but also strong. timber tread is used as decoration, and tradition purpose. steel handrail would make people will reliable when they going higher or watch the view form god perspective.

this is a minimalist style stair. only 2 steel bars with extra platform for each tread are used as stair base. each platform on the stair base are perpendicular with floor. the glass are used as tread to increase the sense of quality and advance. with the glass tread, aluminium handrail is used to calm people's mind( it is strong and safe).

this stair is for basement use. it is like 2 sets of stairs combined. the stair base is concrete, and the tread is timber material to separate the coldness from concrete. handrail is added to take care of the people with disabilities, it is made out of brass to make it looks cool.

3d model of stair design

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

3D model of the sketch

18 sections

Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron:wealthKhyzyl Saleem:ignite
 Khyzyl Saleem:ignite
Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron:trundle

Khyzyl Saleem:ignite
Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron:sparkling

 Khyzyl Saleem:ignite
Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron:wealth

 Khyzyl Saleem:alloy
Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron:wealth

  Khyzyl Saleem:alloy
Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron:trundle

 Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron:trundle
 Khyzyl Saleem:tough 

Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron:sparkling
Khyzyl Saleem:ignite

 Khyzyl Saleem:tough 
Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron:wealth

 Khyzyl Saleem:tough 
 Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron:trundle

 Khyzyl Saleem:alloy
Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron:sparkling

  Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron:trundle
 Khyzyl Saleem:alloy

Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron:sparkling
  Khyzyl Saleem:tough

   Khyzyl Saleem:tough
Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron:sparkling

 Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron:sparkling
 Khyzyl Saleem:alloy

 Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron:wealth
 Khyzyl Saleem:alloy

 Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron:wealth
   Khyzyl Saleem:tough

  Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron:trundle
 Khyzyl Saleem:ignite

3 images from designers

the_kyza ( Khyzyl Saleem, @the_kyza on Instagram)
 alloy, ignite, tough

Mountain & Moon (Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron,
illusion, transform, dynamic

the_kyza ( Khyzyl Saleem, @the_kyza on Instagram)
wealth, trundle, sparkling

3 images

my best piece of art so far. just did it this morning cause I could not access to others.

 an original photo of my puppy before I arrive Australia. he did not know what to do when I lift him up. so he just freezed.
it is so interesting that the leaning tower of Pisa is not perpendicular to ground but also stable in form.

3 perspective drawing and area used for the building

under the line above the line in between the line area used